As She Passes

I return to the sea,
her face and tide
the peace of my heart,
the words of our story.


From far north
to the straits of de Fuca,
the inland passage
speaks in ancient voice,
braided with fog
and the cry of gulls.


Younger than we were
yet so much older,
I carve this message
by the light of the moon,
that you might find me
on your way home.






















Reading of “As She Passes” with music by Claude Debussy.


6 Responses to “As She Passes”

  1. Tom Figel says:

    Don, careful. This kind of information is useful to any lawyers who may be looking for you. Lovely all the same.

  2. PenDell Pittman says:

    I’m getting younger by the year, dear friend of old — what with my soul’s ascent having been crafted by Ancients to resume its lift at birth on Earth. Hence, you may well see me, here or There, on your own divinely destined way back Home. Meanwhile, Godspeed, fellow wayfarer.

  3. Steve Bodaness says:

    Don, your poetry always creates such beautiful images of the Northwest and the area in which you live. I lived in Seattle for a time which makes it easy to feel your words and almost smell the air of the abundant water and green earth. Significant for me!

  4. Jay Schwartz says:

    Don: Wonderful choice in having Debussy sound soundtrack.

  5. bill dare says:

    Love the photo and your Heartfelt Wisdom.

  6. Maria Frid says:

    I love the notion of finding you as we weave through the universe as our moon sh

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