Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Sacred Born

Daylight changes as winter dissolves into spring, trees shedding their ice in the warm air. I stir in my cave, having digested the dreams and

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Night Basket

The soft colors of budding trees, deep greens of fir and cedar, the startled look of squirrel, the steady gaze of crow, the sound of

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Tir Na Nog

Paudriag spoke to me though from afar his voice both close and quiet, reminding me of the green sloping land and north the sea, shining

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Perhaps Today

Perhaps today the heartland will rise, prairies sing their ancient songs as broad lakes join flowing rivers unceasing to the sea. Though the noise of

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Plum Tree Blossoms

There’s light upon the Colorado mountains, shining on the Wasatch and Sawtooth, over the Canyonlands and Great Basin to the deserts of Nevada and California.

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