Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Lost Child

Giving way to quiet, a rolling wave brushes the broad earth with the breath of stillness, soothing the hurts of thought and worry, the dark

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Visiting the Tabernacle

Darkness covers the city though street lights push against the unwelcome; soon the turning east will open to the sun. For now the night blanket

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Welcome the Unfinished

The pause between night and day suffers the wind, the rain, the dark uncertainty, welcomes the unfinished with the grace of a bird. Each day

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Blessing Basket

I walk beneath the island trees rekindling lost fire, awakening to her presence. Cool air from the north flows across the broad sea lifting white

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Dropping the Mask

I may be in a trance; wind cuts down from the north, sea rolls in driven waves, the tide ebbing south. Dark grey sky above,

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