Don Hynes Poetry

Something Will Change Me by Don Hynes

Don's Newest Book

Something Will Change Me: Poems of Soul and Spirit 

This collection of 100 poems by Don Hynes resonate with the rhythms of crashing waves and towering forests from the heart of the Pacific Northwest. Hynes explores the rugged beauty of trees, rocks, and rolling waves through an intimately personal lens.

More than nature poetry, these are soul poems – borne of memory, heartache, and dream visions. They reach transcendentally across time and space to connect with the reader’s own experiences of change and self-discovery.

Poems that reach into lifetimes – past, present and those to be imagined, and in the tradition of America’s most enlightened poets such as Mary Oliver and William Stafford, speak in a quiet voice of your place on earth and the place you are preparing.

Poet’s Journal


Taking Flight

Snow covered hills under winter’s blanket, where I wake in a foreign land with trees of ash and oak, bare branched like veins in the gray sky. However far I travel the earth is still the earth, held like a new born each new day, a silent presence among the

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Who Dare to Sing

Drunk on starlight I stumble in the temple, my voice loud in praise of Aldebaran and Sirius. I doubt I will ever be sober, the Almighty so biased toward the unabashed. Desire guides me on the luminous track, lured by darkness to the distant light where sky gods celebrate those

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Winter Lyric

I rise and fall the ancient way, from root to leaf and back to earth; the road I tread these autumn years, without desire or fear of death. Gone with summer the need to shine, I seek the earth like fallen leaves. Birds fly high, owl hunts night, my wings

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Poetry Books by Don Hynes

Slender Arrow by Don Hynes
Slender Arrow
Out From Under by Don Hynes
Out From Under
The Living Dark by Don Hynes
The Living Dark
The Irish Girl by Don Hynes
The Irish Girl
Something Will Change Me by Don Hynes cover
Something Will Change Me