Walking the Borderland
The borderland between this world and the other is a lonely place, fearful and unvisited by those who prefer daylight and the comfort of sleep.
The borderland between this world and the other is a lonely place, fearful and unvisited by those who prefer daylight and the comfort of sleep.
The sun comes bright over the awakening city as we rise to daylight with memories of what was, hopes for what is yet to be.
Camas spreads in lilac waves beside a slack tide sea; seals fish along the rocks, gulls plaint their echoing calls, songbirds sing from the thorny
I’m up early for the hour of quiet when the awakened earth softly steps into the garden of becoming. Sunlight touches the sea, trees drink
Eagles sing in the tall firs as light bathes the island; songbirds call out, the air rich with music. I’m not as quiet as the