Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Tying Sea to Stone

The stone feet of the island rest in the sea, their grass skins glistening at low tide. The winds have calmed after yesterday’s storm, stillness

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Tracing Mysteries

There’s always more to do, the world wanting your attention, hurry now before the circus leaves town. All that you are not quite enough with

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Walks in Moonlight

Ripe and full the harvest moon rises casting tree shadows from their tops lifted to the star wheel. No loneliness or garish glare, just silver

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Stone Faces

Grey water and light wind, the distant call of a gull. The weight of these times with me as I settle into the silence once

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Preparing Witness

He turns to rise with the sun at the far edge of the world, no temple or towering buddha, just the lonely sound of garbage

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