Ripe and full the harvest moon rises
casting tree shadows from their tops
lifted to the star wheel.
No loneliness or garish glare,
just silver glow and silence.
Orion in the east
signals winter coming
yet still there is warmth
and the sweetness of corn.
The winds will pick up
bringing early storms,
rain again to soak the land,
but for now I walk in moonlight,
drinking deep the night.
As the harvest, the earth’s plenty is gathered, all sense of loneliness or garish glare evaporates in the ambiance of generosity by Mother. So lovely of you, Don!
Again, wonderful, sensual imagery……
Just experienced this lovely sight. So peaceful & full of beauty like your poem. Thx.
A bright and beautiful sonata of silence…ah yes, lad, t’were a bonny night, true enough.
Great image and feeling!