Sky Singer

Sip down
into memory’s cup
sweetened by first light
and pale flowers
then turn to the voice
of the Rain Bringer,
the Sky Singer
who grace with melodies
the bright unknown.
Don’t refuse the morning
or betray the Ancient Ones
who see your face
one among many
calling you softly
into tomorrow.



photograph by Marguerite Gillies @vermilioncrane


13 Responses to “Sky Singer”

  1. David Barnes says:

    Ahhh … the ancient call, sounding now, right here where I am. Wonderful song for a new morning Don. Marguerite is sky dancing in this gorgeous photo!

  2. Ravenstalk says:

    ~ Yessssssssssss ~ 💞🙏💞 ~

  3. Eric Dunn says:

    Magnificent images!

  4. Tom Figel says:

    Don, could “Ancient Ones” be an unkind reference to some of us you’ve known since the 1960s?

  5. Your Inspired Song moves me to Joyful Tears…
    BRAVO, My Brother!

  6. Pat Fitzsimmons says:

    Thank you Don, and thank you Maguerite……
    The Sky Singer blessed us with much needed rain in So Oregon yesterday, and I can feel the earth singing this morning in gratitude for the moisture. This is a particular time to honor the ancient ones, whose legacy is in our hands and hearts, a mission of love, in oneness with sky and earth. Grief and celebration honored.

  7. Rose says:

    Beautiful and enlivening! And the photo is so apt. Thank you, Don.

  8. Susan Bennett says:

    But wanted to say so…:)

  9. Mark Dellamano says:

    Your words like psalms instill reverence in my heart, bring prayer to my lips and sight to my eyes. Thank you.

  10. William Comer says:

    Ever foreword we go, calleth the Sun. Thank you, Don.

  11. All I can say is :YUM!!!

  12. Sigridh Kiersch says:

    Reading your words as the sun is streaming into my living room, tears of gratitude running down my cheeks…

  13. Steve Frankel says:

    Picturesque Chimes of Truth, Don Thank-you

    The every day, every moment welcome from the Grandfathers of the East – asking me, only to be empty enough to hear and join their soft, sublime invitation to this new day!

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