Poet's Journal

Journal Entries

Place of Solace

Place of Solace

Sunlight on the water this cool September morning, with rain clouds over the distant island; the earth pitch-perfect in communion.…

Plain Chant

Plain Chant

In the dawn hour the sea lies flat between tides, no wind or movement, only the quiet of the coming…

Angels of Light

Angels of Light

Communion is hard to come by when so much is based on untruth. Addiction to lying demands increasing doses, until…

Prayer of Silent Truth

Prayer of Silent Truth

My cask of praise empty, the last words of thankfulness consumed in the burnt forest, I struggle to the altar…

In this Moment

In this Moment

The morning won’t deceive you with its freshened air and sound of birds. You needn’t rely on memory; the timeless…

Rusted Cables

Rusted Cables

South wind breaks in waves against the ebbing tide, sunlight falls in shafts on the rain-soaked shore. As I follow…

Music of the First Born

Music of the First Born

Lifted on summer waves, the pulse of life carries us beyond decay. New seeds crack open, revealing pale forms with…

Birth Wail

Birth Wail

He visits the well in early morning, before the day opens for business. With a battered tin cup he dips…

Tumbled Smooth

Tumbled Smooth

He lingers on the Moon and the pale light of Arcturus as the valley heat passes over. After years of…

Faith of Leaves

Faith of Leaves

Green leaves of the cherry tree sparkle in morning light while ocean’s breath cools the valley. Suffering these last weeks,…

Resurrection Portal

Resurrection Portal

I whirl through space, a sea of aether and stardust, yet can’t lift my eyes from the dirt trodden path.…

To Be Like Water

To Be Like Water

More stone than sea I’d be like water, touched by wind, loved by the moon. I’d dwell in deep canyons,…

To Beauty Let Go

To Beauty Let Go

“It is the nature of stone to be satisfied. It is the nature of water to want to be somewhere…

When Leaves Burst Out

When Leaves Burst Out

Look for me when leaves burst out and voices of spring ring full in the valley. Follow the snow melt…

Noise of Flowers

Noise of Flowers

Spring flowers rattle the caves, provoking the apostles to take up their pallets of sorrow and leave dark comfort. Trees…


Beyond All Belief

Rain falls, layer upon layer, soaking the spring earth with wet desire. She lies waiting in her dark encampment, for roots to sing, her womb

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Join the Posse

Why go on sleeping when the sun breaks out of night jail? Light thunders, planets and stars disappear; the Earth wrapped in blue. Prophets of

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Remembered Green Glory

Great beasts devour the nourishment where thought is born on rivers of darkness. Warriors of the slender arrow thrive there in beauty, and refuse the

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Then We Will Not Speak

After the storms pass and the hungry ones are driven from their feed, the humble will wait in the calm sloughs of spring beauty. There

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Rebuilding the Ancient City

Don’t mistake the rain soaked valley with hard paved streets, people entranced by things. Below the cracked sidewalks roadside trees push out their roots, thickening,

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Superhero Gone Dark

It won’t take long to remove the broken, clean the streets and fill the sidewalks with carefree shoppers. We can go about our business dressed

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