Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Join the Posse

Why go on sleeping when the sun breaks out of night jail? Light thunders, planets and stars disappear; the Earth wrapped in blue. Prophets of

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Remembered Green Glory

Great beasts devour the nourishment where thought is born on rivers of darkness. Warriors of the slender arrow thrive there in beauty, and refuse the

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Then We Will Not Speak

After the storms pass and the hungry ones are driven from their feed, the humble will wait in the calm sloughs of spring beauty. There

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Rebuilding the Ancient City

Don’t mistake the rain soaked valley with hard paved streets, people entranced by things. Below the cracked sidewalks roadside trees push out their roots, thickening,

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Superhero Gone Dark

It won’t take long to remove the broken, clean the streets and fill the sidewalks with carefree shoppers. We can go about our business dressed

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Beneath the Forest Dark

The other world signals with blankets of snow, quieting the noise in moments of peace. Not to be outdone cars roar back to life and

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First to Feast

Iron morning, steel gray skies, crows on the rooftops. I’m not seeking, only waiting, pressed under winter’s hand. I eat and drink with silent armies,

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Dark Heaven

Morning under clouded skies, the longest night passed in the slow turn toward brighter days. Aldebaran leads Orion through the winter arc as I pursue

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Words of the Disciple

The tangle of roots in mud and clay hold the impossible height swaying above the rooftops. I burrow down in what’s left of imagination, clawing

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Still Point

Quietly he gathers attention to the still point within, a candle flame brightening the inner sanctuary where life force pulses. His roots of awareness drink

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Original Intent

After the burden of travel I return to the evergreen valley with winter light along the rim. Without wonder the soul becomes weary, needing the

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Calling Us Back

In early dawn hours the moon sets in the west, Venus alight in the eastern sky. Perhaps I’m foolish to become so joyful yet I

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Somewhere in the Night

The skies are clouded but beyond the layers of gray and black starlight and a moon I cannot see. I travel knowing but not knowing

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Wise Men

Christmas 2023 The long night lengthens on a rain swept evening, blessed dark as wanderers from afar we traverse the city. Estrangement from the sacred

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Free from Repetition

The waters of life flow across the wheel of time bringing change and resolve. While the horrors of war plague the silent earth yearns to

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