Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Resurrection Portal

I whirl through space, a sea of aether and stardust, yet can’t lift my eyes from the dirt trodden path. I stumble around ignorant and

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To Be Like Water

More stone than sea I’d be like water, touched by wind, loved by the moon. I’d dwell in deep canyons, travel the furthest reach, and

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To Beauty Let Go

“It is the nature of stone to be satisfied. It is the nature of water to want to be somewhere else.” – Mary Oliver  

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When Leaves Burst Out

Look for me when leaves burst out and voices of spring ring full in the valley. Follow the snow melt along the Clackamas and Long

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Noise of Flowers

Spring flowers rattle the caves, provoking the apostles to take up their pallets of sorrow and leave dark comfort. Trees hide in the rain, fearing

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Engineers of Love

The gravity of your smile, lighthearted yet muscled with the blessings of sorrow, keeps my satellite in orbit, my rage against the machine tempered and

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Passport Stamped

I won’t outlive the sea, not one drop of its salt depth, not the old growth trees nor the stone beneath my feet. I am

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Flies with the Spirit

The stars we follow have written our names, the ones we’re given on journeys with the sun. The one your mother knew when she regarded

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Given this Beauty

Tune your instrument to the key of praise while morning light shines on the sea. Trees lift their branches in the rising breeze and the

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As She Passes

I return to the sea, her face and tide the peace of my heart, the words of our story. From far north to the straits

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Give Way to the Moon

Scratch a few notes in pencil, erase and feed them to the fire. With your soul at risk what the fire burns is not your

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Trembling in Spring Glory

Comfortable in the dark waste of twisted roots, life broke the hardpan forcing me to surface. The morning light blinded, a deafening sound of birds.

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Sing All Praise

Suffer the windswept ocean, the cold air and crested waves on this patch of green. An aquifer of imagination lies underground in pools, rising through

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Devour the Meat

When injuries of deception corrupt the well, orchards shrivel, and predators roam the streets. Warm a cup of silence on the fires of sacrifice; empty

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Beyond All Belief

Rain falls, layer upon layer, soaking the spring earth with wet desire. She lies waiting in her dark encampment, for roots to sing, her womb

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