Secrets of the Dawn
The slow light of morning slips into awakening with secrets of the dawn, of silence stored in mountain caves lined with walls of ice, flowing
The slow light of morning slips into awakening with secrets of the dawn, of silence stored in mountain caves lined with walls of ice, flowing
When snow covers the valley the time is here to slow down, to let earth’s winter rhythm seep into the deep-celled longing of the body
I shelter with trees below cold wet ground, what’s left above leafless, without color. Burrowing in soft earth, I find roots of peace woven to
Into the quiet dark I commit my messengers, the soul survivors of desperate folly. Send word to the wanderers; they must hear of the rising
Snow covered hills under winter’s blanket, where I wake in a foreign land with trees of ash and oak, bare branched like veins in the
Drunk on starlight I stumble in the temple, my voice loud in praise of Aldebaran and Sirius. I doubt I will ever be sober, the
I rise and fall the ancient way, from root to leaf and back to earth; the road I tread these autumn years, without desire or
In the quiet dark earth nurtures her future below the cold wet ground. Forests wait in embryo, plants and flowers and the vastness of green
Welcome darkness, fear and blight, welcome suffering, welcome night. Welcome the beautiful, desert and seas, welcome the mountains, welcome the trees. Welcome ignorance, violence and
Dropping like rain, I fall into a new year of starless nights and wet gray dawns, when crows return to silent evergreens as I search
Down I go the solstice ladder to the crib where phantoms dwell, wearing the cloth of my familiar they cut and tear, so heartless in
Christmas 2024 Voices joined in the dark, singing out the word of life, open and receive the birth of light, gift forever to the living.
Along the cracked sidewalks and traffic choked streets, beneath the winter barren of leafless trees, I gather the litter of holiness, tossed aside and left
Quiet as fallen leaves, I search the dawn for signs of belonging, signals of faith. Crows fill the rooftops, rain on wet streets, the droop
With darkness past its peak, sunlight charms the rain-soaked valley after weeks of clouded skies. Beneath the paved streets of departed forests, there is the