Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Beyond All Belief

Rain falls, layer upon layer, soaking the spring earth with wet desire. She lies waiting in her dark encampment, for roots to sing, her womb

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Join the Posse

Why go on sleeping when the sun breaks out of night jail? Light thunders, planets and stars disappear; the Earth wrapped in blue. Prophets of

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Remembered Green Glory

Great beasts devour the nourishment where thought is born on rivers of darkness. Warriors of the slender arrow thrive there in beauty, and refuse the

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Then We Will Not Speak

After the storms pass and the hungry ones are driven from their feed, the humble will wait in the calm sloughs of spring beauty. There

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Rebuilding the Ancient City

Don’t mistake the rain soaked valley with hard paved streets, people entranced by things. Below the cracked sidewalks roadside trees push out their roots, thickening,

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