Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Painting Van Gogh

The moon rose beside Saturn, shining pale light on the autumn sea; later the sun lifted bright orange painting Van Gogh on the ebbing tide.

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Earth Magic

The sound of wind across the sea, the lonely cry of gulls, earth stirring in first hours as I arise from the dream time, humble

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In Gathering Light

Day rises with quiet breath, sun bright in cloudless skies. The sea is still, flooded to the high mark, collecting strength for the ebb’s return.

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Call and Response

The planet’s dial clicks another turn as the air cools and we move into autumn. Walls of stone step down into the changing tide, steadfast

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When I Return from the Sea

From cathedrals below the sea dark images float up in the bellies of fish, devouring sunlight on the rippling surface before descending with color to

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