Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Winter Rosary

The trees are closed, windows shuttered in rain soaked skin, roots lavished with winter’s water, their buds a rosary along each branch filled with darkness

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Solstice 2015

What passes for morning on the shortest day – dim light and dark skies, rain falling on the valley. Nothing for it but to rest

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Washed Clean

How can I sleep when the stars awake and wind roars off the sea, the valley filled with the sounds of fir trees quaking? Creeks

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Light in the Sky

You seem so far away; when I call you my voice echoes in a cavern of stone, words thick, clogged with the refuse of belief.

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Tiny Pearl

Think about this day and the long view horizon to horizon as the full moon sets and Venus rises. Our outpost the blue planet with

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