Poet's Journal

Journal Entries


Journey On

Light slants across the channel burning away the clouds and early morning fog. I sit and watch, my food the slow thoughts that come with

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Look into the Aloneness

We punish each other and punish the earth, separate from the land that’s our story, volumes of cruelty with a few gems of grace buried

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High Tide

Calm water slack, two seals float and fish, eagle perches in its green fir tower staring into the distance; no sound but a solitary bird,

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Vanishing Order

In the quiet of dusk the bugling sound of an elk herd over the grassland, the shadow of a cloud vanishing in this valley sliced

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Quieting the Noise

Singular and aware I go within to the place of silence, dropping like a seal into cold dark water.            

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Window of Opportunity

I saw you on the sabbath through the window of opportunity, queen of illumination holding the world beneath a flowing green mantle, the radiance of

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