Poet's Journal

Journal Entries

What We Treasure

The world can crash on shore like a storm pushed tide, water roiled, full of silt and clawing voices from the wind fed water, then

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Salt Sea Womb

The sea drums slowly upon the shore in a steady pulse thrown down on the resting beach, the sound lifted from the sand to the

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Burnt Pot

There is always time for generosity, a place for kindness. Each person has their story, the suffering and cruel alike in their humanness, their need to

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Mouth of the Earth

I am fallen from the highest branch through cold air and strong wind to soften and decay in the mouth of the earth, becoming food

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Their World

We’ll talk sometime but not now, not for a while, maybe in the next life or when the sun lights the river and rocks shine.

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You’re Done

You put it down you let it go you walk away you’re over with that so over; you tear up the pictures throw out the

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