Smiling at the Beast

What coils out from within, dark and inscrutable, with no regard for all we’ve made, how we reach to each other in the night. One of the old gods, cruel and unyielding, the arm of the destroyer lifted against our tenderest mercy. Once the void is opened, the venom released, there’s no going backward, no […]

Empty Cup

Bordering the sea mountains fold in rounded loaves to lay their feet in the great stone bowl. As the sea empties with the pull of the tide my thoughts follow the receding water, freeing up the deadwood to sip upon the empty cup. Ten thousand years pass; salt air etches the stone, grass rises with […]

Lost Child

Giving way to quiet, a rolling wave brushes the broad earth with the breath of stillness, soothing the hurts of thought and worry, the dark plains of loss and want, guiding gently the lost child we once knew as peace.                    

Visiting the Tabernacle

Darkness covers the city though street lights push against the unwelcome; soon the turning east will open to the sun. For now the night blanket covers the injuries poured upon the earth, sheltering the wounded from the stark witness of day. Before we rush to the light, smothering awareness with our hive of activity, let […]

Welcome the Unfinished

The pause between night and day suffers the wind, the rain, the dark uncertainty, to welcome the unfinished with the grace of a bird. Each day I go to this altar emptying the night bucket after bucket, until I’ve space enough for the morning.                      

Blessing Basket

I walk beneath the island trees rekindling lost fire, awakening to her presence. Cool air from the north flows across the broad sea lifting white caps on billowing waves. She’s coming to greet me with her blessing basket. How can I refuse?                      

Dropping the Mask

I may be in a trance; wind cuts down from the north, sea rolls in driven waves, the tide ebbing south. Dark grey sky above, hints of blue and gold where the rising sun lights behind the clouds. I wandered in my dreams between worlds not understood yet this morning the beauty of your presence […]

Suffer the Night

The cauldron comes to boil laden with wounded flesh and broken bones. Witches mind the iron kettle, while grim ogres without repentance circle the fire with hungry eyes. What was done to the least of these rises in the lurid stew, while the air fills with the dark smoke of what might have been. Encamped […]

Guess Who Stopped By

Death came by, rang the doorbell, shot me a text. No one home I wanted to say but if I said it, well, someone’s home. He waited around, smoked a cigarette, checked his iPhone with the next-to-go app. He hollered up, I know you’re there, let’s get a coffee. What’s with the ignoring? I wouldn’t […]

Morning Circle

In first light, moist air before day’s heat, the fresh smell of innocence. Birds call in the distance, geese stir and feed; otter slowly curves to dive in a shining C as Earth readies for the next strain of the machine. Trees quiet, sun upon the sea breathed in and returned, as we lend ourselves […]

Simple Stories

Simple stories rise from the grist of water washed gravel, desire revealed shining and desperate. We’ve loved, then not, then loved again. Nothing complex but the heartache, searching for what we lost along the rock strewn shore while the river carries on. Song in the searching, melody in the water, simple stories told and retold […]

Until Like Water

In one bright hour the woman’s body supple and sure, quiet with the calm of early morning. Silent and still as ancient stone, testing every defense until like water we flow with ardor drawn from mountains of solitude, pouring wide into the valleys of her remembered embrace.                 […]

Casting Our Lot

Flickering flames in the dark disconnect, we hold to the good tenacious as infants; with so much undone in the downward spiral we cling like grass to serenity and the grace of this miraculous life. We’ll not speak of fighting, not in this holy hour. Curious as birds we look to what may yet be, […]

Something Will Change Me

I’ll grow a beard, live on the tide, turn to stone or dandelion, then become water; race in the ebb, grow talons, take flight, lay down as grass sun brown and blazing. Something will change me yet behind the faces I’ll be the one watching, rock shore deep, hummingbird fast back to the invisible.   […]

Night World

The moon-laid path glistens on night water inviting a dance. Owl calls from the wood, the splash of a seal. I think to go within, conditioned by some long-ago cave, but the night is still and alive with the deep peace of silence. Moon awakens the land. Trees stand tall in the stars. I touch […]