Along the border of night and day
old ghosts walk the valley
among the shades of beaver,
fox, raven and wolf,
their wisdom a voice within
to guide us through winter dark.
Nothing can replace the wild
but in the space where dreams awake
we take our place beside the fearless
and form a bridge to Eden.












15 Responses

  1. It takes both night and day to build a bridge to Eden, doesn’t it? And dreaming and wakefulness, old ghosts and the fearless. Exquisite bridge alchemy, Don! Thank you.

  2. When I close my eyes and form a bridge I see bodies…not flying…but falling. I race to the center and look over the railing, expecting to see sharks arguing over lifeless ones. But, no, I see instead lively ones swimming toward the sea, laughing, and yelling…”I’m going home, I’m going home!”

  3. I’ve been thinking about these two for a while…one, that fear is a choice, the other is the courage to allow forms to appear in perfect time. Fearlessness and a bridge to Eden. Nice image, that.

  4. The old ghosts will hang around but will not be a barrier to the bridge to Eden. The song of the old beaver, fox and raven sing a most wonderful song of remembrance. I am sincerely grateful for this beautiful poem, Don.

  5. I love this one, Don! Let us walk with hearts that are genuine, melded to the truth of Spirit from which springs honest connection.

  6. It would seem that what we have known in this world must be left behind, all of it, and ‘to form a bridge to Eden’ is the generative living work that we are about. We find ourselves together in kindness and love, and where trouble may be around us, we are calm. There is a peace. I say ‘we’ simply because I feel deep connection with others even as I am one…. Thank you so much, Don.

  7. A perfect accompaniment to my recent spiritual journey – thank you, fellow traveler!

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