Darkened clouds cover the valley,
welcome rains arriving
with the turn of season.
Gently comes the fall
as vibrant green fades
into russet and gold,
a quiet time, not a death,
a time of shedding leaves
and descent into root.
Even the old growth must yield,
allowing life force the way back
to the benevolent earth
where wisdom lies deep and still.
When we let go we fall
into arms of belonging,
embracing root and darkness
and the germs of new life
that await our resting souls.

photograph courtesy of Thomas Kast
Reading of “Time of Descent” with music by Jay Ungar
wonderful Don. a poem rich with the beauty and wisdom of Life, drawing all that will come into the arms of belonging. one lets go easily and naturally
What a beautiful fall poem, Don. Thank you.
Thank you don, I love the spirit of this poem.
Don, but . . .
. . .
Is it the age of the poet, the age of the listener, what makes both poems so appealing in the quandary over our inevitable demise?
Meaningful words that capture the transition of seasons at all levels of life. Thanks so much! Exquisite.
Your poem is a parachute to ease my descent. Thank you! I enjoyed hearing you recite it in your cadence.
Don, I like Marco M’s description of the poem as a parachute. It’s true. You have put together a calming reflection on the inevitable. It’s probably not inevitable for you, though, you fireball.
Ah…letting go into the arms of belonging…what a delicious image!
When I first saw the title of your poem, Don, I immediately thought of descent into full angelic incarnation into the earth of physicality. Then as I read it, the line “Even the old growth must yield” and I saw how the old man I was is no longer, having yielded to the emergence of the angelic life force of love with all the newness love brings into expression. Your poetic spirit moves at many levels as I listened to you speak your poem. How beautiful. Thank you deeply.
I like it! There’s nothing that gets in the way of the downward movement of the poem with a soft landing. Just a perfect evocation of the season.
Gorgeous. Wild. Untamed.
Raw. Healing. Earth’s euphony.
God’s magic revealed.
A haiku in response to your exquisite words.
Winter past has been good to me.
Here I am in spring, a standing tree,
sending out bud, blossom, and leaf.
Once again!
Geoff, Standing Tree
Your poetry is finding deep resonance in my soul. My experience is of a guided meditation, a deep shamanic journey. Thank you.
I hear so many speaking of darkness, turmoil and iniquity in this cycle of time, I am with you in proclaiming, ‘a quiet time, not a death’ a time to let go of old concepts and assumptions. Newness is brewing……….thank you for this most beautiful alluring poem.
I really loved this poem. I was born in the Fall & married in the Fall & you captured my feelings for the Fall