Sun casts the sea in silver,
low slanted light skimming
off the water, gleaming
like vast ornamental plates
beset with wooded islands
more fallen from heaven
than raised by the sea.
I am watching, gathering
images like late apples,
storing vision
for winter nights.
Pa mal. Reminds me of fall days on Lopez. Gathering apples before the crows.
I like those fall visions being excitedly gathered up against the winter.
Interesting, your use of images “like late apples left by crows”. I have been doing just that. Fallen apples in the yard across the street. Some have a few bites out of them from the crows, but so tasty. Just cut around the blemishes and the bites and what a feast. We most often overlook the gold sitting close by in what appears to be refuse.
This one is my new favorite.
Don This was perfect for me to read on a dark and dreary day. Your images caught my mood and put me in touch with being a part of nature in the season of winter thank you Kay
It is like the song, Chestnuts Roasting On an Open Fire, conjuring up images of winter nights, warm memories, the seasons as nature intended, each cycles in symbiotic relationship to all things, and man’s vision there to witness it all just as Life intended. Don’t you just love the awesome wonder of it all! Love and blessings, Lawrence
Exactly right.
Just YUMMY, Don… as good as a Thanks Giving repaste.
Enroute to my new home, yesterday afternoon, I passed dried paddies of harvested rice. I tarry in jet lag and contemplate a harvest in my life of new partnership and unfamiliar familial opportunity. I feel the deep-hearted linkage of, our uniqe images and experiences.
If we have each tendered our creative fields over time, pouring ourselves out a blessing, there comes a time of harvest–and we don’t have to eat crow. Just receive the fruits unto ourselves and let blessing expand. All of this richness brought about simply by our practice of loving kindness and compassion from a true position of Beingness.
…or something like that…