The incoming waves
gather in forceful pulse
yet when vision softens
to the breadth before shore
long fingers of desire appear
beneath oncoming wave
reaching out from tree and rock
with passionate welcome
for the incoming flow
drawing color and sound
to the roots of the land
the earth filling with ocean
as She reaches again
with the same delicate fingers
for the next great pulse
of power and light
renewing wave upon wave
with undying genesis.
delicious…just what I needed to help me through my busy day
This speaks to me of the pattern of consciousness, always reaching for the next expansive connection- always leading to the Source of all life. liked the poem
Don, This was one of your better ones. i liked this.
“fingers of desire” … I’ve seen them watching the interplay between pebbles and lapping wavelets. They are on every beach. Thanks for reminding me of that sensation of interwoven connection between elemental forces.
I appreciate your reminding me how elemental rhythms are known in my blood and in the juiciness of my own desires for life.