for the people of Egypt and Tahrir Square
Strength comes with the morning
from a troubled dream
to the gray palette of winter sky
inviting a hidden self
to awaken beyond the body,
emerge from the dark earth of soul
with the nourishment of that depth
and rise like Lazarus, born again
to the beauty of this life
with destiny bubbling
from ancient ground
toward all those reaching
for freedom.
AHO! It is a good day for Freedom, my friend. Thanks for sharing you gifts around this Spirit.
A day to be honored.
A time to watch.
A heart filled with people I’ll never know.
Celebrate, dear ones, you earned it.
A beautiful tribute to a beautiful and ancient peoples….thankyou for your offerings
suzy B
Yes. Anger, rage, can be just the energy needed for a breakthrough to one’s or ones’ “hidden destiny.” Thank you, Don. Makes my compassionate enfoldment all the more focussed.
I love it that you have added your voice to so many who have blogged eloquently their support of the Egyptian cry for freedom.
I like this one showing the optimism of the morning.