Like the waterfalls of Guiana
and the sweeping arc
of the great Mississippi,
the rhythm beats against
our blue lined skin,
reminding us of a source
broader than the far horizon,
yet alive in our bloodstream
like a pulse at the heart of the world.

Sunwise unfolding… Beautiful, Don. Thank you, Brother.
Lovely reminder of our oneness with source and all its dramatic manifestations. Thanks Don, for your wonderful talent!
I love that phrase, “like a pulse at the heart of the world”. Beautiful!
…connecting all the hearts of the world
Thanks Don, for the reminder that there is a pulse at the heart of the world- we are all there at our core – your reminder brings it to the surface so beautifully. Blessings
Be-u-tiful!! Don,,,thank you!
Don, your poetry helps me get through the night. I want you to know that I am in the midst of transformative work and your exposed soul shines a bright light upon my path.
On Eagle Wings
On eagle wings angels fly,
Who walk upon waters and soar crystal skies.
There it is, once again we gather to meet,
Amidst the roaring thunder of a warrior’s feat.
Souls of children from the east will rise,
A chorus of angels, to a savior’s cry;
“Awake Nations, Awake! Arise!”
Dawn is come, a new Sunrise…..
Warren Monty Quesnell
Los Angeles, California
May 30,2011