The words I speak or write,
do they really matter
beneath the waterfall of life,
all the tragedy and loss
and wandering in the dark?
I have so much fear
I don’t acknowledge,
so much I hoped for,
wanting the world
to answer my longing.

When I listen
I hear the old voice
within the roar,
a plodding slow-paced
reminder of the ancient,
spoken through sand
and broken monuments.

The rise and fall
and dreams of glory
like fallen leaves
and moldering earth,
a filament reaching
back through time,
threading me
into the weave
of all who’ve lived
and left a mark
on the endless page.


Footprint in Stone










10 Responses

  1. YES! I have faced death in the past, and it now casts its shadow again, and again I respond, “Death, where is thy sting?” I have learned that it is a blessed messenger–only that. So, I yield in wisdom of the ages. Wherever, whenever, it may take me, will just be the next adventure. Thank you with deep heart for your articulation of this creative process.

  2. thanks again Don……..this one rings so true for me, as the pages and days unfold, and somehow keep returning and turning back to page one (or two or three)………

  3. Timely, Don. What we do, think, or say on this plane of existence seems so much less enduring than what we write the hearts of those we leave behind.

  4. Your forage for great shreds of dreams and time inspires me. Thank you, Don, for keeping us all real.

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