Countless are the bones
beneath our feet,
each sacrifice of those
who’ve gone before
gifts to the newly born.

They are present
on moonlit nights,
in fluttering trees
and the echo of owls,
looking on
with tender care
as we find our way
through the living dark.


photograph by Sandy Brown Jensen










Reading of “Countless are the Bones” with music by Samuel Barber



10 Responses

  1. So true Don.
    Makes me proud to be alive continuing the work of the generations before.
    This is why we are here.

  2. Don, not just in fluttering trees and echoing owls. Your poem is a wonderful reminder. Thank you. – Love, Tom & Nancy

  3. What is in a bone…your poem is a prayer of honor…humbling awareness of the flow of life in and out of Being

  4. Beautiful, Don. Your words are accompanied perfectly by Samuel Barber’s music. Thank you.

  5. Bones upon bones provides the bedrock for our grateful living……….. I am because we are. So lovely, Don!

  6. Thank you Don, we each have an inheritance of both light and dark from our ancestors, as you so pointiantly articulate in your book “The Irish Girl”. If we’re open to it, there is very specific unfinished work that falls in our lap from our ancestors, and also some precious gifts.

  7. There’s a great watch on Youtube about an Irish girl:-
    Margaret Gallagher, My Thatched Cottage. You might appreciate it Don.

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