Winter won’t let go,
the grip of cold and ice
fierce in attachment
to the rising earth.

Vain we are
to dream of awakening
asleep in the stone cave
yet dream we must.

As our soul fire ignites
the ice melts, rivers flow
and we come to surface
gulping in the air of freedom.


photograph by Thomas Kast












Dramatic reading of “Come to Surface” by Steve Einhorn



Reading by the author of “Come to Surface” with music by Cinder Wells & Jim Ghedi



4 Responses

  1. … and if we dream we must, dream I shall. The longing for spring will do its job, the boat is not leaving without me. Let’s dream for now …

    Astrologically we are heading toward the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in constellation Pisces, in April. It is a good season to dream, and to dream big!

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