I sit within the arc of aging
strong with the weight
of years in silence,
worn to round
like a rock against the sea.
Tides of gain and loss
shaping and reshaping
while below the surface
star fish brilliant
breathe in water,
turning salt and sea
to light.


10 Responses

  1. Happy Solstice, Don – and thank you for all your inspiration and beauty over the year past. It’s a deep pleasure to face this new year together.

    With you in the adventure…

  2. . . . tides of gain and loss shaping, reshaping . . .
    How thankful I am for the artistry of your heart, mind, and soul, always
    reminding me of the brilliance waiting to be increased in myself. Thank you for the openings you provide, as you nurture and attend to your own. Happy Solstice to you Don . . . Happy Increase of Light!

  3. Living at 7,000 feet, I’ve observed the natural phenomenon of light trapped between snow and low, heavy clouds giving such brilliance to nighttime. “You could read a newspaper”, they say. Your words, “…turning salt and sea to light” caused me to rethink “light trapped” between snow and clouds. It is light transformative in this dry and ancient land. I read your words of water as I walk this enchanted land formed by fire. They are but elements of light patiently shared between us.
    Thank you again for your poetic invitation to pause and think with my heart.

  4. Thank you Don for exercising your craft of passion, on us! That we should be so blessed! Looking forward to enjoying a new year as it washes through our being.

  5. Thank you Don for the brillance of Light that you bring through your life. Your gentleness inspires and releases.

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