Two ravens appear
flying to the wooded point,
the sound of their bark
distinct from the call of crows.
Geese honk in vigilance
then quiet as they take wing
toward a distant island.

Gulls cry plaintively,
winds sough through the trees,
dew lays sparkling upon the grass.
Deep mother of night
opens to bright father of day
and I join the choir, surrendered
to the awakening world.


photograph by Louis MacKenzie












Reading of “Beyond Castle Walls” with music by the Grateful Dead



18 Responses

  1. Through the diversity of expression oneness is known and felt.
    Nature is an amazing teacher over and over again.
    Great work Don in capturing beauty once again.

  2. Thanks, Don — It’s an ongoing lesson to me that so much of my experience of oneness comes in unguarded moments, taking me by happy surprise.

  3. Every morning, I take my coffee and my dog and sit on the patio with the birds singing the world awake. It is my favorite time. Being one with birds is such a gift as I spent most of my 80 years afraid of them. That’s what oneness does….it dissolves fear so there are no more castle walls.

  4. Love this poem, Don. Your words awaken the senses, inviting one to slip effortlessly beyond the castle walls.

  5. It is glorious that Oneness is emphasized now, in this poem Don. How perfect! How thrilling to accept the rich invitation to live always, unguarded in every precious present moment; no longer hiding behind stony castle walls, but transparent to all that is born through the union of deep mother of night and bright father of day: holy holy holy is the gratitude for this awakening world

  6. Beautiful poem and significant words. Breaking through to the other side. I am all in.

  7. Home is knowing our oneness with nature, lofty concepts often creates castle walls…………thank you for this lovely expression of Oneness, Don!

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