Our Promise
This time is like all the rest only different. This time we won’t forget kind words. This time we’ll understand how pain can change you. This time we’ll call on heaven to guide us through the chaos and bless the earth with seeds of love. This time we won’t be deceived. This time we will […]
Where Dreams are Crafted
I hadn’t found you though I’d looked in the branches above and roots below the street, in the faces of the serious and the moon behind clouds. Searching high and low I came up empty until I looked in the space where the heart softly beats, where dreams are crafted, and in the silence without […]
In the Hour Before Dawn
Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll scrub the world with steel wool, scrape away the grimy bits of cruelty and war, put soap and water to sorrow and despair. Fresh flowers on all the graves, remembrances for the forgotten. Silence to cleanse the tangle of sound then starlight for speaking. When you awake, you’ll find […]
Gospel of Innocence
Easter 2023 Surrounded by noise it’s difficult to discern how life each day speaks through starlight and the colors of spring. Tiny birds flit about, rivers loosen as ice releases its grip and though your body descends in the arc of age the inner voice remains clear. Why take up the sword the closed hearted […]
Where Bones Grind
The cherry trees soaked in rain, the valley skies wrapped in gray. I watch with faith like a druid of old, talking quietly to the broken earth of my body. Where bones grind the lesson go slow takes form and speaks. Patiently I wait with the cherry trees, roots sunk beneath the pavement, drawing up […]
Building Bridges
Under gray winter skies the heart of the valley pumps through the tap roots of evergreen. Crows sit atop the tall firs, lean and thin with winter hunger. I am not gathering, no, still living off summer fat, quiet as the stones beside the river. There I dream of building bridges to span the chasm […]
Eyes of the Awakened
Thick and gray the clouds of winter break open on the ides of March. The threshold of hope bringing reason for faith, while discontent yet plagues the restless. Roots of the ancient forest stir beneath paved streets, life older than imagination come to resolve our sorrow. Within the hardest hearts there is the sound of […]
Shaped by Snow
I feel the snow falling. I see it under street lights beyond the window glass, but here beside the fire I can feel it. The blanket spreads muffling the city sounds to where the snow might shape us into the silence where all songs begin. […]
Skipping Ahead
for Eilish No translation needed for the language of the heart. Age doesn’t matter, only innocence and desire for the timeless. I thought she was left behind but actually she skipped ahead, speaking the language of the pure in heart, no translation needed. Reading […]
In These Dark Hours
Gnarled bark and twisted branches tangle in the gray sky. I lose touch with the turning, the language of wind in the trees. When we rode in tall grass the earth was all we knew. Now I pray upon a wooden altar that the sun may rise and shine upon the people. My clothes are […]
Her Desire
This is my world, and yours, just as we created it, sentient and wild. Brambly thorns, shifting tides, hard-as-nails streets, beguiling lovers, all of it just as it is. Her only desire that we road-weary pilgrims throw our arms around her, and whisper in her ear yes! […]
Dark Green Solitude
Winter sun lights the valley. Along the coast a flood of rivers, swollen bays, log-choked coves, melting snow and full moon tides. At rest in the quiet without hunger or thirst, the land teaches silence is enough for a rivulet of dark green solitude to nourish the earth. […]
As I Bend
Hours before dawn hard rain soaks the streets, in the distance the outline of trees buffeted by winter winds. Though quiet in this room I feel the world’s unrest. Deceit sits astride our fate; the clever regarded as saviors. I can’t stand rigid before these winds, rather keep faith and sway in the dark night, […]
Forgotten Temple
And so we gather in winter dark lattice strong with sacred life as earth drums sound the heartbeat of creation. Pulse to pulse we move in ritual, tracing out ancient footings. We set round pillars to bear the world’s sorrow and roof beams composed of praise. Mighty the forgotten temple that holds the prayers of […]
Troubles are the Rocks
When dark gives way to day and the city stirs with the sound of machines, I pause and take inventory. Considering the peace I foster and the good fight that has its rewards, I ponder my stream in the river of life. Troubles are the rocks by which the river sings, the pebbles of my […]