Womb of Peace

Rain clouds cover the nearby islands, the shapes of hills rounded in the dark of a moonless sea. The only sound a solitary seal within the quiet. Womb of peace, fertile earth, give birth to kindness in the silent night. Reading of “Womb of Peace” […]
Walk Again the Ancient Road

Hummingbird thrums its wings inches from my head, startling me to alertness. Sparrows flutter to land on thin grass stalks, eagle crosses overhead on its vigil above the bay. Each occurrence a signal, rekindling memory of unbroken connection. Year by year I add back the links, trying in my way to un-break the egg. I […]
Holding Service

The past lies sleeping in the quiet earth as day unfurls on a still sea. To the evergreen and juniper the future will be, without troubling the moment. I find my place in the green world, sentient and conscious of what I bring to the chapel of the pure heart, holding service in the bright […]

Two ravens appear flying to the wooded point, the sound of their bark distinct from the call of crows. Geese honk in vigilance then quiet as they take wing toward a distant island. Gulls cry plaintively, winds sough through the trees, dew lays sparkling upon the grass. Deep mother of night opens to bright father […]
Alive in Darkness

Three owls call from the wood, their hoots back and forth resonating in the forest. Pale light slants down through the trees, casting shadows of juniper, fir and the fluttering leaves of ocean spray. Alive in darkness the earth quietly unveils with no rush toward morning. The channel tide passes like a river, as moon […]
To the Renewal

In my time the turning of a page, the loss of courage and rush to escape. Within the failure charred remains of villages in the forest and shoots of fervent green, their seeds cracked open by the incendiary heat of a landscape born in fire. I observe, I witness, and add my signature to the […]
Countless are the Bones

Countless are the bones beneath our feet, each sacrifice of those who’ve gone before gifts to the newly born. Present on moonlit nights, in fluttering trees, and the echo of owls, looking on with tender care as we find our way through the living dark. […]
Skies of Communion

Clouds settle on the sea and blanket the tree tops. The wet drip of the forest drums on the cabin roof while eagles pace from perch to perch along the coast line. We need the rain, the land already dry months before summer. Within the mist, the pinnacles of the city are far off and […]
How Old

How old will we be when the turning is complete, how old the earth is now or ever will be? How old the roads that carve the land or inner paths we’ve travelled? We all journey the mortal way and though not together the ancient river says we are, that we walk and walk again […]
Footsteps Gently Covered

The ebbing tide rushes south with the lonesome sound of stirring geese, the sway of high firs in a soft breeze. The living world breathes in light, exhales with the sound of wind as the green land rises from spring fed ground. I pile stones to mark the morning, a cairn of reverence beside the […]
Poetic Champions

After the sun went down the poetic champions descended from the forested hills to the stony point jutting into the sea. Sirius blazed overhead as did Arcturus, the stars of Orion and the great Bear. The champions had gathered for the moonrise and as the earth slowly revolved a bulb of illumination grew in the […]
Paths of Shattered Stone

Cold comes the morning with clouded skies and gray seas; birds taking shelter as winds increase, night’s disturbance spilling over into the day. The earth healing with wind and rain, calling from sea depth and high mountain to bridge these times of chaos left by the absent ones. I struggle with fault lines, finding my […]
Sacred Born

Daylight changes as winter dissolves into spring, trees shedding their ice in the warm air. I stir in my cave, having digested the dreams and phantom shadows, hungry now for color. It is the world I rise to and the green lens I look through to know my place on the endless shore. Beauty signals […]
Night Basket

The soft colors of budding trees, deep greens of fir and cedar, the startled look of squirrel, the steady gaze of crow, the sound of breaching whales and high pitched cries of eagle, human faces vast in number, the star reach broad and clear. On and on the roll call of creation, ten thousand times […]
Tir Na Nog

Paudriag spoke to me though from afar his voice both close and quiet, reminding me of the green sloping land and north the sea, shining and alive with ancient music. There is a place for him and many gone before who traveled to America where they’d never rest, returned now to Tir Na Nog, forever […]