Time of Descent

Darkened clouds cover the valley, welcome rains arriving with the turn of season. Gently comes the fall as vibrant green fades into russet and gold, a quiet time, not a death, a time of shedding leaves and descent into root. Even the old growth must yield, allowing life force the way back to the benevolent […]

Among Fallen Leaves

Equinox 2021 Clouds reach down to the gray sea, the waters calm on a windless morning. Trees begin their descent to root as autumn approaches, birds returning to the green grass of September. A full moon, orange and bright marks summer’s close, the time to leave the high branches and touch the ground once more. […]

Hole in the Clouds

Heron croaked taking flight, prehistoric wings and angular form reminders of another time. Like a hole in the clouds or stirring of the sea, I am part wind, part forest, part native to the water. I’ll tell you the story as I remember however incomplete. This is your home, body and blood, yet in the […]

Song of Freedom

Steel gray water like polished silver shines in the dull light of cloud filled skies. Dolphins feed the tide line, dorsal fins gracefully arcing as they surface and dive. I might seem to be alone yet I am bathed in a vast community, life it is in all directions that rises with the sun and […]

Across the Water

Ancient stones rise from the sea, black basalt topped by towering firs. Eagle perches in a crag, crow lands in a juniper calling to the morning. I’m old with muscle, root in hard to reach places. Let the sea look for me along the gravelly shore, the forest as I walk at night in fellowship […]

Freshwater Spring

Rain falls gently on the dry earth, the first relief approaching autumn. As water seeps to deeper roots I follow the rain through the unforgiven. Below the hardpan there is new life, waiting for moisture to rise and wear the green mantle. I must let go, receive the pardon grace bestows on the repentant, inviting […]

Sand Painted Mandala

Time will reveal its truth on the lonely highway rutted with errors we celebrate and enshrine. Only the humble will find a key to the portal, decode the mystery of the long unjust. Each stumbling step, each hesitant word tests our muscle yet we are not so old as age broken stone, not so brittle […]

Enveloped in Magic

The body travels with mind and heart, yet spirit remains in stillness. Place changes, time continues yet where I am is not disturbed. Giving myself to the changeless I travel the world while strangely unmoved, enveloped in magic by the mystery of the Beloved.                     Reading […]

The Return

From the cold distance of rigid thought barring the way to the beloved, life urges return. Isolation suffers a severe price, the withdrawal of love injuring the heart in its link to joy. Return to grace, life calls from the broad horizon and deep flowing sea, to the fountain of healing and light for the […]

Quick the Heartbeat

Sun bathes the sea in morning ritual, the legacy of life continuing over time, yet what we leave behind like summer grass, here then gone in quicksilver moments. The calculus of memory grows and hardens while the heart struggles to send its charge to muscle and bone. Grave clothes comfort, the coffin fit snug, but […]

Beside the Gray Sea

The land is wet from last night’s rain, the long slow drink having eased the stress on trees and grass, for robins to unearth worms from the softened ground. Beside the gray sea under cloud filled skies I inhale the green world, lungs drawing deep amidst bird song and rushing tide. Come now my friend […]

Words of Morning

Words of morning come like light on the water while day awakens. No longer in shadow seeking and furtive, but open as the sky and color green, reaching in, flowing out, tender as the tide to meet you.                     Reading of “Words of Morning” with music […]

Incantations of the Tender Heart

What riders from those darkened hills, what breaches known on once calm seas? We journey toward unseen precipice, entrained by soothing voices intent upon control. In the night, waves of supplicating energy urge us to prepare, to break the spell and turn away from the downward spiral. Contemplating the ritual sacrifice practiced since ancient times […]

Only We Can Know

for AnneMarie The past lies in shadow waiting for the lanterns of our yearning, the desire to remember who walked before in these footsteps. Of course there’s a debt, a tribute or remittance for sacrifices made, punishments suffered. Their sins are bottled, their gold in iron-bound chests; we have our own lives yet we are […]

Outside the Fences

Moonlit shadows on the solstice, the forest alive with druid magic. Nearing midnight and barely dark I prowl the shoreline, the smell of sea and rushing tide release the soul from time’s limits. Back through trembling trees rich in silence, energy beyond night and day pours down from the sky. I’m in the old world, […]