Loom of Earth and Sea

The sea tells its story in shimmering waves on this sunlit morning. Many come to ease their hearts and the earth receives them as mothers do in a place of return old as the mountains. Words of sorrow, words of joy, words of redemption and words of final peace. Each ending a beginning and each […]
All in One

In that first still moment when the sun rises casting light across the sea and leaves lift in soft breezes, the presence of God comes alive in the world. Rest in that grace, with the knowledge of the One in all and within your trembling heart the All in one. […]
Hunger Quenched

Returned to bird sounds and rustling grass, the morning quiet nurtures my soul. Glaciered mountains span the far horizon as the broad sea slowly moves in ebbing tide. I forget to remember what I’ve left behind and with hunger quenched by sweet beds of clover, I wrap myself in green world peace. […]
Alive in the Mystery

The sun rises and I rise, welcoming the light of summer’s warmth spread across the sea. I rest within layers of stone, take flight with sparrows, dream of dogs and weave word spells. I am healed and I am healer, no longer waiting for those who came before, alive in the mystery – a cape […]
Tear Another Page

There’s light in the distance where water shines though the island is buried under gray clouds beside a gunmetal sea. Years past the story goes we fell under the wings of a dark angel, so long ago we can’t remember original color or the taste of freedom. “You best be still and accept your fate” […]
Written Across the Sky

Light in the east carves an opening in the mass of clouds, checking the rain with a sign the storm may soon break. We will yet suffer, have to carry through this dark night, but in the end the sun will rise and we will find ourselves in sight of the green land. Noah will […]
Song of Life

I offer silence on the altar of the earth, preferring assurance to foolish talk. I’ve known confusion and lost the will to live, but found strength from voices beyond time, and in the blessings of the green world. Silence is not absence, rather the presence of a knowing in the flight of hummingbird, and the […]
Bell Without Sound

“We are masters of the universe” the cartoon heroes declare, “fighting for truth and justice.” Rabbits don’t seem impressed as they nibble away on the rain soaked grass. Outside the hall of mirrors I watch with the tide and wait upon the wind. Quietly my friend, let’s pick our way on the stone littered path […]
Prepare for the Mountain

Looking within I find seasoned wood split and ready for the pyre. I throw in with heretics daring immolation, snow monks melting ice with silence. The inner fire grows hot as more of myself turns into flame, heat preparing me for the distant mountain. […]
Prairie Winds

I know the remorse of an aging man, the plague of choices I might have made, worn faces risen as ambition failed and loneliness became my comfort. I hear your voice from another world, your face refreshed by dreams. I reach out but there is no flesh, only the essence of your fair-skinned beauty free […]
From the Deep Well

Closed in under dense clouds I shelter from the rain drumming on the cabin roof, my soul drunk with peace from the deep well of silence. Reading of “From the Deep Well” with music by Norm Smookler
Space for the Forgotten

Chanting terror-filled rants, cries of the insane echo on early morning streets, riffling in the detritus of cans and bottles on their painful hejira through the wastes of chaos. No one answers their incantation, yet within reach silent trees rise from cubicles of hardened dirt to find air and sunlight above the voices of the […]
Feeding on Moonlight

I awoke to the moonrise in morning darkness with amber light on the sea. Something in me longed to awaken, to visit the beauty few would witness. Daylight comes and I share the sun but keep the night glory hidden in my soul. Rabbits and geese tear at spring grass while I feed on moonlight, […]
House of Being

The sound of wind through the trees in a soft rushing wave awakens the forest in the bright light of morning. The tide travels back filling the coves and beaches, refreshing the creatures that cling to the rocks and in burrows below the sand. Do you hear the calling, how silence beckons with the wind […]
Rushing Tide

From caverns beneath the cold ground ancient voices stir and ghost dancers move their tireless feet to the pulse of earth music. Above and below urge us on to cross the waters of time, toward the grail that holds the lost truths of our mysterious birth. Into the rain we stumble clawing on our oilskin […]