Winds gust from the south
pushing the flood tide
into gravel reaches,
soaking the stone feet
of an ancient rock wall
with images carved
by all that’s gone before.
Vigilant in what is yet to come
and from this place between
past writ and future dream
I call to you, joining us
across the great distance,
with all the desire of rock and sea
to be alive in just this moment.



9 Responses

  1. This poem spoke to me this morning.
    Thank you for your creativity and blessings.

    Les Sinclair

  2. In New Mexico, in this record-setting year, there has been a lot of looking at the past. Worst drought on record. Largest wildfire on record. Most ash flow into lakes and rivers. Coupled with that is deep concern for the future of water and beauty of the area and for people who live here. I can see the Ancient Ones, the Anasazi, smile at this past/future kerfuffle. So, yes, I join you in this moment, the all-there-is of reality, and I smile.

  3. Yes Don, I can feel the ocean’s spray and coolness of the rock.
    I am here…..

  4. The natural world is the true artist and I give thanks for it and for your expression of it in your poems. Reading this filled me with the muted colors of nature and lightened my heart. Thank you!

  5. I love the images. Am reminded in our vast unknown there is actually no time distance or space only the unreality of it. Sometimes a poem is just beauty of its words and that’s enough. This is one to savor.

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