When the storm passed
light awakened the coastline
gray and shrouded,
sharp with detail.

The cabins, the old dock,
even the gulls in flight,
bathed in a world almost new;
as if sorrow were over
and we could begin again.



21 Responses

  1. Oh beautiful Don.
    I get so mired in the storms!!
    I shall now remember that the light breaks thru.

  2. It is like the day after everything seems to go awry, and after a good sleep you wake up fresh again, and everything is going right as if by magic.

  3. Yes! Letting that moment imprint deeply.
    In the back of the mind, knowing that storms will come again, and then sunlight, renewal, again beginning…

  4. …yet, there are shadow dancers, in the dark of night, refusing to slip away come light of day.

  5. A perfect metaphor for some of the processes of grief I have been experiencing. Hard to believe a process so harsh and painful can also have beauty emerge from within it. I see this poem as a description of mercy.

  6. Exquisite, Don. Imbued with qualities akin to the Great Ones.

    Poem after poem, refinement is shared, in gratitude. db

    “The storm, the shifter of shapes, drives on” (Rilke)

  7. Beautiful; evokes in me the mystical of that moment. Surrounded in luminescence; the Shakina Presence.

  8. This reminded me of the power we each bring to the moment, wherever it may be. Am I the storm, the wind and the light moving the storm or the dancer accepting what is as if it never was before? “I am that I am” and “I am where I am.” A beautiful gift has been sent, received and sent again.

  9. In the midst of the storm, it’s good to acknowledge it’s just another cycle thundering through our lives. This, too, will pass. And when it does, aaaaaah, such clarity, such relief. But it’s good to remember there is also beauty in the storm.

  10. Storms are often exhilarating with their increase of strong energies that often bringing fear of the unknown and disruption of the status quo. Your poem reminds me that always I have definition, sharp detail and clear vision that follows the breach. So I welcome a storm! Thank you, Don

  11. Back in the USA from down under. Lovely poem that truly captures what i see and feel after storm/rain clouds clear out and the beauty of the landscape or seascape springs to life.

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