Christmas 2023
The long night lengthens
on a rain swept evening,
blessed dark
as wanderers from afar
we traverse the city.
Estrangement from the sacred
surrounds our passage
yet stars guide us to the child.
The stable candle lit
with beds of common straw,
our hearts full of wonder
in this holy hour
while shepherds watch
and angels sing.

Reading of “Wise Men” with music by Secret Garden
Reconnection with the sacred….
Thanks for another beauty, Don!
Wishing you a Blessed Christmas & Joyous New Year…
Feliz Navidad!
Magi-cal reworking of a well-known tale. Bravo, Don. Joyeux Noël.
As is said in some Christian circles, “wise men seek him still.” And so very true, wise friend. Holy Christmas be with you and those who watch over the seasons of the Lord with you.
The stable candle steadily lights the star-guided Child in Us that sings,
“Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace, Good Will toward Men” (and Women). Happy Holidays, Each & All!
You’ve captured that essence, Don. The angels are singing. Blessings and Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Don, “estrangement from the sacred surrounds our passage” is a powerful image. Thank you. Also, as 2023 nears an end, this is a good time for praising your generous, persistent weekly exhortation to everyone, even lawyer friends and the testy Kevin D., as you imagine what we can do with steady hope and reflection on the verities.
You captured the awe and wonderment of that 2000 year old journey. Almost like a prayer. We can’t ask for more than that. Happy Christmas.
To be fully present, awareness of the sacred, is the greatest present we can offer each other and the earth. The wise men and women speak of the presence of the sacred, the birth of the sacred. Blessings to all. Thank you, Don.
The steady rhapsody of the Eternal born of stillness.
Thank you kind and caring One
A gift, indeed, Ed. Likewise, blessings of the eternal, present moment to you. Hugh.
Don, very evocative and appropriate, my friend.
Wise men and women in heaven on earth are the evidence of the Presence of the Light that shines in the blessed dark of this Holy Hour. I thank the Lord for you Don, and for the gift of this continuous poem-prayer cycle that we share, all of us together with you, throughout the year.