Rain cleanses the morning
with clouds from the Pacific
riding the vast arc of ocean wind,
falling upon the earth
to the root of our faith,
soaking deep the dark womb
of renewal.



5 Responses

  1. Shared this w/ my other half. Release and embrace… a never ending cycle of change, eh?!! Happy Solstice to you & yours.

  2. I love the idea of rain cleansing and soaking into the deep of the earth. Feeding mother with the water of life, a graceful cycle we can all attune to and with clouds leading us naturally within.

  3. This seems to me a perfect jewel-poem of the season. Solstice, full moon and full lunar eclipse on the 21st will provide more rich fodder for the cosmic mind. Lloyd used to write solstice poems every year, and I think it is a wonderful tradition. Put this one on the cover of a collection of season poems!

  4. The new traditiion in recent years of northern Thailand has been a dry, cool Winter rest cycle. This year, rain has continued, albeit to a much lesser extend. Whatever resource the Mother needs to sustain Her gifts, let us be joyful for. This is sage, for our lives are intimately entwined with it’s cycles. I celebrate this quality of the divine feminine, and express gratitude for the sensitivity of your mind and heart, to record it in this clear and concise poetic release. And, for the inspired commentary that comes from your friends and mine.

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