Rain settles like a wet glove,
the air silver with fog,
ground beginning to soften
after the long summer drought.

I finally sleep, my body waking
with the gravity of stone,
peace like an old friend
come to visit with unspoken kindness.

As leaves let go I begin the drop
to winter root; no hurry to the pace
governed by rain and cool air,
falling from high branches

toward earth’s russet blanket
and the dark ground of being.



11 Responses

  1. Just arrived today at Fort Ebey on Whidbey Is. w/ my wife and friends for a couple days camping. It’s been a long time since we’ve been on Whidbey, not to mention the rain and a great ferry ride. Just read you poem and so relate to the drop toward my winter root. Peace.. such a beautiful feeling. Thanks for your gift, Brother.

  2. For some reason I’m feeling the season closing down more strongly than usual. Maybe it’s because I got my book out this month, or maybe it’s something else. Whatever the reason, your poem gives voice to my need, reminding me that I need some quiet rest before I begin my next project. I wasn’t paying a lot of attention until now. Thanks, Don.

  3. Thank you. Here, rice paddies crackle, eager to offer abundant harvest before retiring into a cool, dry time of silent Being.

  4. Lines so natural. So well made. So rooted in the things of the world and all they point to.

    With deep thanks, as always.

  5. Don,
    You have caught the natural rhythms of this changing season, the rain, the urge to sleep, the change of temperature and the deepening toward winter.
    Your rhythms fall exactly right on the ear. No fat, all bone and muscle.

  6. Don, your words always hit home. The last few nights I have been sleeping straight through, because the gutter drain pipe goes down outside my sleeping area. I also feel a major drop down after this sunny fun-filled summer and the rain have begun. Now i can wear my new raincoat and walk dry and warm every day.

  7. This poem is so full and rich. It captures the willingness to really feel this new cycle. You’ve captured everything I love about changes in the
    seasons. Thank you for this gift.

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