Where I am found
the earth seeks me.
No longer needing
to hold back the world
I respire like the tide,
in the depth of her heartbeat.

I am rejoined
to the ancient umbilical,
not striving,
only breathing,
found again at last.


Where I am Found photo










15 Responses

  1. Exactly, ‘only breathing, found’, to return from whence we have come……such a blessing, such a wondrous place…..Thank you.

  2. This one I love….makes me think of returning to the earth when my time is done.

  3. Its amazing how this world works…..this poem is extra special and immediately touched my heart, as a friend of mine just passed away on friday and in dealing with the sadness this seemed to really resonate with me.

    Thank you.

  4. I read through this piece, Don, three times without pause, aware though of my breathing & the easy connection with the earth earthy, as the poem increasingly came alive…

  5. The “Ancient Umbilical”, this image is deep in my consciousness as the grounding cord from my body into the body of GAIA. Thank you for this blessing of a poem today Don. I breathe into her heartbeat with you.

  6. This is beautiful, Don…………very powerful images throughout. Thank you friend.

  7. Perfect timing, Don. Have the flu. Lost touch with anything else. Read this and retouched another reality still here in me. Thank you so much.

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