Sheets of rain then open sky,
rivers run, spilling their wealth,
ironwood trees bulging with desire,
spring drawn from the earth well.

I am slow to get up
sated with the luxury of sleep
but I see birds circling
and something in me lifts.

The destination is far,
the road filled with changes
yet the world is ready
to let winter dark rise.

More than root and branch
I am the rising
and what I desire is light.


watercolor by Eilish Hynes












15 Responses

  1. Most beautiful Don – from within the shadow of the almighty, within this divine darkness, within this cycle and season of my life, “… something in me lifts … and what I desire is light.”

    What an exquisite watercolor by Eilish – it reminds me of the Horsetail Falls firefall in Yosemite. Thank you.

  2. headwaters now are excited with momentum of adding to the tone spiritual coherence of the “rivers.” Thank you Don.

  3. Chuckle…been looking at pictures of New Mexico today….desiring light of a richness that makes my heart sing. Thanks for confirmation!

  4. As I’m leaving for a visit to a sunny climate soon, this reinforced my own desires!
    Thank you!

  5. I feel a responsive chord within to the ‘lift’ of your words.
    The rhythm also whispers of what shall soon come round as light returns.
    Yes, I too am ready,
    to bid winter’s darkness adieu,
    and with rejoicing, to welcome spring’s return.

    Thank you for this wondrous poem. I hear its music…, and I am smiling. 🙂

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