Sunlight on rain soaked trees,
sounds of the city awakening,
letting go into the new day.

There are always troubles,
ask anyone who’s farmed.
Progress and promotion
are salesmen’s words.
The earth isn’t selling,
she doesn’t profit.

She stores in winter dark
and gives in spring green,
yields to summer sun,
returns with gold in autumn.
See her in the glistening dew
the lilt of first light breezes.

We could be sad or broken
by the ways we suffer
yet four winds are blowing
and the day rises to meet us.

Wearing our many colors
isn’t it time to ride out once more
and give the earth our joy?


Stained glass by Linda Ethier Studios











8 Responses

  1. Indeed, Don. We could be sad and broken, but I am stronger because of it. I love the joy of living. Thank you.

  2. Don, the poem is all the lovelier because you paired it with Linda’s work. Thank you.

  3. Nice work Don. And beautiful that you included talented Linda’s work. Rainbows and snowflakes.

  4. Let us ride out, stretch out as a fruitful bough streaming the sky with our coat of many colors. Great energy in this poem Don, rippling with Life. “Ye shall go out with joy, and be lead forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

  5. So True… I’m bringing great JOY Home with me after our last RAW training in ID.

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