Loden green moss and gray bark
mark the trees, gathering rain
and mists of fog
as winter settles in
with cold comfort.

I rise from the dream time
to rivers running full,
carrying mountain messages
to the ocean bar, telling the great sea
what lies beneath those peaks,
ready to awaken when the gods call.

Feeling tremors beneath the river,
the wanting to give birth,
I keep a winter vigil,
tending to the seeds of color
deep within the silent landscape,
deep within the earth.


photo by Peter Mansbach










12 Responses

  1. Don…I strongly sense this “wanting to give birth” urge…I want to give my blessing to all sentient life…what we used to call “praying without ceasing.”

  2. Oh yes, I know those tremors beneath the river, you captured that meaning! Thanks for keeping vigil and sharing your seeds of colour Don!

  3. Don, thank you for this poem, which in itself is a contraction and a tremor, indicating that the season is at hand, and wanting is the energy of mother-father passion surging now through us all

  4. Don, I feel such warmth arising from your expression here. And aroma of fragrant incense of winter’s making fills the air. Thank you.

  5. Timely. Preparing, making space for so much newness is what I’m about these days. Making “all things new” on many levels while letting go of so much that no longer serves me. Getting myself ready to bring forth that enormous shift which will enfold us all.

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