Between the storms
thick clouds break
to reveal patches of blue
and light to the east.

The sound of the wind
diminishes to near quiet
leaving an absence to the ear,
a sense of what is coming.

We confirm with our eyes
yet it is the invisible wind
that moves the sea,
the ubiquitous spirit
that supports all living.

From the depth of darkness
and morning light,
in the rushing wind
and touch of the eternal
there is the power
to bridge despair.

The sea will part
despite our trailing enemies
and threats of impending doom.
We may lean on the staff of faith,
footsteps guided by an inner compass
centered in Zion and certain of Eden
as we walk hand in hand through the night.











Reading of “Walking Hand in Hand” with music by Steve Earle.



8 Responses

  1. Yes! We are centered in Zion and certain of Eden
    as we walk hand in hand through the night.

  2. I love the rhythm and strength I feel in my core, by reason our strong and steady footsteps, walking together. Grounded, sure and quietly joyful. This is hand in hand, day by day, night by night. Thank you, Don, for today’s gift.

  3. Yes! It’s as we walk hand in hand through it all, immersed in Light and Love, the sun will shine and all is well.

  4. It is late Sunday evening, fire burning in the wood stove, cat behind the stove, dog at my feet. Looking outside, a gentle skiff of snow quiets the world around me. No sense of doom tonight. I shall walk outside, hand in hand with the great spirit. Thank you Don for initiating my sanctification in the evening.

  5. There is a lot of love in these lines, and flowing through the words of these comments, few in number but full of rich substance and a shared knowing of what is here now, and a shared sense of what is coming—standing still together, the sea parts and the crossing is immanent. I love this House of Belonging that your island sanctuary space provides for all Don.

  6. The ubiquitous spirit is what guides beyond enemies. Thank you Don, for providing such moving and clear steps along the way!

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