Reaching down into the old earth
to loosen the moorings
of the time driven world,
we follow the roots
of what may yet be
into the dark loam of potential.

Not into the battlefield
where many serve,
but into the mystery, to seek
the solace of the long forgotten,
to retrieve a life beyond despair
that waits beneath the kivas
of the silent guardians.

The new Jerusalem,
an image in the distance
not shaped by human hands,
inviting us to release the predictable
and venture into the unknown.


encaustic painting by Eilish Hynes @touchthenexus













15 Responses

  1. ~ Love Your Words Don ~ Love Your Doughter Eilish’s Sublime Paintbrush Strokes ~ Thank You ~ 💞🙏💞 ~

  2. Lots to love about this poem—the downward action of it into the earth, especially. The juxtaposition of Native religion (kiva) and Christian religion (New Jerusalem) is a little startling, but why not?

  3. An irresistible invitation to loosen the moorings, release the predictable, venture forth and live the mystery, the wonder, in the dark loam, eternally rooted in the ever-new. Thank you Don. Thank you Eilish for the compelling image which represents that which cannot be shaped by human hands or written words.

  4. Beautiful and relevant words, Don. Makes me even more eager to move into the unknown (the long forgotten known) that is forever trustworthy.

  5. Don, I take this as your optimistic undertaking of retirement and everything else. Also, I second Ravenstalk’s appreciation for your daughter’s fine painting. Keep going.

  6. David Barnes described your poem so eloquently. Reading your words has helped me shift from grasping at the disintegrating now to looking expectantly to the unknowable future. Thank you, sweet friend. Be well!

  7. Don, You are beckoning me/us into the depths, before words, where new growth originates. Your reminder is so beautifully expressed and important in this time of Great Unknowns. I plan to read “Venturing into the Unknown” many times especially when my mind wants to project a future. Thank you once again.

  8. There is nothing to fear. This journey is a gift, filled with love and forgiveness.

  9. Hey my retired friend . . .

    I just realized that after I read your weekly writing, I go back over other poetry sent to me during the week. I didn’t really understand why until just now . . . I’m looking for something that inspires or touches me more.

    I rarely find anything. You compose with a spirit that touches me.

    You’re a talented man. I’m proud to call you my friend.

  10. Don, I just love this. It has been with me all day… I have my eyes lifted to that image in the distance, and meanwhile I feel that solace in the exquisitely vibrant sky and earth each day, holding things–just holding a space. Thank you!

  11. While loosening the moorings of the past that bind us, we heal ourselves into the present moment, surrendering into the unknown, the mystery finished , continuing to sing ,creations song, birthing the new earth. I sure appreciate your choice of words to clothe our global experience of being with and in the Mother to assist her coming forth into this new age of Aquarius.

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