Gray seas, gray skies, wind over water
as ocean reclaims the inland sea.
Trees fall to their roots
drinking deeply of the early rain.

I gather my regrets and drop them
into the swirling cove
for the crabs to feast.

Carrying what I can
I journey back to the mainland,
the memory of salt and horizon
stored for winter.

Don’t blame my complaints,
there are bird wings in my thoughts
of moonlight and silence.

I settle in beside the fire
but don’t forget you,
dark nights and earth spirits
with me until I return.












Reading of “Until I Return” with music by Boccherini



5 Responses

  1. Don,
    I particularly love this richly imagined poem—so Han Shan and Cold Mountain in spirit. Definitely one of my favorites! “Bird wings in my thoughts”. What a great image!

  2. Hi, Don, may you winter cozily on the mainland until spring beckons and your beloved island calls! You describe your transition so beautifully.

  3. Thank you, Don, perfect ending of yet another cycle. I feel we are privileged to share in the four seasons, filling our cups to overflowing with images and experiences shared with nature. And then, look forward to the next cycle and what it will bring, knowing there will be a return cycle of joys unspeakable. Ed

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