Maybe its the way the cards are dealt –
some take the high road,
others down into the fray,
yet no matter how improved or battered
your unadorned self is still the one
the world desires.












15 Responses

  1. Thank you, Don. It doesn’t take a volume of words to bless others in adornment, does it.

    I am a step-dad to a young man in Thailand, and now a step-granddad to a beautiful girl. I am eager to visit and hold angel Tara against my loving heart. Thanks for including the photo of another pair.

  2. Author-ity married to authenticity is central in the weave of your poems Don – and through the transparency of your writing we catch a glimpse of OUR Original Face. db

  3. It’s the I AM in all of us that we long to touch in ourselves and each other. Simple and beautiful, Don

  4. Yes, whether we realize it or not, we humans long for authenticity—in ourselves, and in others. I love the precious picture, its unadorned essence!

  5. PLA – Love has no boundaries. Love is not just a word – it’s an action. Be true to your words and prove them with loving actions….MJ

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