Blanketed with smoke
and now fog,
visibility near zero,
nights are winter-like
in darkness,
day to an arm’s
reach of vision.

Tiny sparrows
flit about in the trees,
the sound of geese
echoes in the bay.
Turning within
to unfailing light
fear unwinds,
the true solace
of the dwelling place
beyond all harm.


photograph by Thea Patten












Reading of True Solace



13 Responses

  1. Hi cousin nice sentiment and needed now I hope and pray everything is good with you and that you’re safe and sound Old saying say it’s darkest before the dawn so let’s hope we’re a half hour before daylight

  2. Lovely Don. Ah, the sound of geese – beautiful. My favourite is the sound of a Loon on quiet wooded lake on a misty early Cariboo morning.

  3. Don, the title, “True Solace” says it All, Thank You. I send my Love to you.

    Also, I am reminded of these words of Rudyard Kipling, “If you can keep your head when all about you”. These are very turbulent times, my friend, we dwell in place, peacefully……

  4. What was once the Secret Place is increasingly known as the Dwelling Place, both in this chaotic world and also beyond all resulting harm—the place of do no harm—the place where one is called to love the enemy, to bless them that curse, to do good to them that hate, and pray for all—this is the Place of Solace shaped and known through years of rhythmic renewal, as this well-crafted poem springs from the heart of the poet who invests each moment with the fine gold of the inner Sun. Thank you Don.

  5. We stand firm in the unfailing light while all around there is fog and vision is cloudy. We remain there because we know! Thank you, Don!

  6. Don, you reach into my soul with your reading of this poignant poem, so perfectly enfolded by heavenly music. My heart rests in peace. Thank you.

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