Autumn rains refresh the earth,
restoring color, lifting worms.
Along the northwest coast
forests breathe more easily,
the misted seas mysterious
in their changing garments.

While the sun is hidden
and the land grows still
we ask for grace not to be misled,
for patience in the slow descent.

Though we travel at night
the stars remain our beacon
and if we choose,
love the dear companion,
as we make our winter journey
to soul renewal.












Reading of “The Dear Companion” with music by Enya.



9 Responses

  1. Movingly deep images for this season. Staffed a NWTA last weekend and aware of the importance of conscious descent

  2. Good morning, Don,
    Your words of peace as we descend through fall to winter are beautifully clothed here with the sight of a flaming sunset and the sound of Enya’s soothing voice. Thank you for this mid-October gift!

  3. Don, when I saw “Dear companion”, I expected something about Kevin D. Even with that surprise, the poem today is no disappointment. Thanks.

  4. Moving deep past yesterday years tender memories, we enter a harvest in thanks for the Companionship of seeing and care for our collective-always. Thank you my Brother

  5. Thank you Don for your uplifting words. I am reminded of how birds navigate in their migrating journey southward. They are locked into the stars and the magnetism of the earth. When we are connected to the source, we are drawn like a magnet to our true place on earth, wherein lies true companionship with all that is true. Ed

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