What do we really know
but a few days
with the traveling circus,
enjoying the elephants,
tripped up by the carneys,
in love with the girl in tights.

Then the lights go down,
the wagons depart
and there’s only the stars,
the smell of animals
and someone new
that must be me.



7 Responses

  1. Don,

    Couldn’t be more poignant. After a 14+ year quest became the first home grown NW from initiation to Full-Leader in MKPI. Now who am I, what does it all mean!?!!?

    Blessing brother thanks for sharing your blazing GOLD!

  2. So much said in so few words……I love it! And, the images are racing through my head until there aren’t anymore, only a smile remains…….Thank you Don.

  3. So many images…
    After the initial stages of meditation when the circus parade marched through my mind
    Mastering a difficult skill until it comes naturally
    Ten years after retirement once the party is over and the illusions are gone
    The calm after the storm
    The risen Phoenix with the question, “Now What?”
    Yes, indeed, “Now what?”

  4. “…and there’s only the stars…” you say. If I knew that only my life would be as fully blessed! I just came upon a quote of Ivan Doig: “The spaces between the stars are where the work of the universe is done.”

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