like falling snow
covers and quiets
the furrowed fields
and wintergreen moss.

Ridges of desire
wrapped within
a silent cloak,
grateful for breath
and all that rises;

the earth still,
softly open
to the blessing.










12 Responses

  1. silent white desire falling
    flake by flake aglow in blue
    into a forever welcoming earth

    thank you Don

  2. You capture your very Essence, brother, in this poem. I am grateful that you spread it so graciously and unconditionally to the many in your field.

  3. Thankfulness is the central theme of my life as I own my own home for the first time in thirty years. I sit in the large window watching the birds and squirrels and, like the earth, open softly to the blessing.

  4. `CONSISTENT GRATITUDE` & the `relationship of a Disciple & The Master` is of what I was reminded of as soon as I opened `THANKFULNESS` today at 6.45am. It helped me to understand my present state of confusion. `Indescribable Thanks`

  5. Title seen first: Thankfulness. Three syllables. First glance at poem: simple, uncluttered, easily accessible, not convoluted in a mental maze—simple, elegant, not more than two, three, maybe four words a line, poem landscape seen by my eyes & the soft settling of my heart in gratitude.

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